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Projects and activities of the FDCL


FDCL is a film partner with the Berlin-based film-on-demand platform realEYZ. We contribute with a blog for both Guarango films Choropampa - The Price of Gold (2003) and Tambogrande - Mangos, Murder, Mining (2007).

El Salvador: Memory work in a post-war society - Museo de la Palabra y la Imágen (MUPI). Cooperation of FDCL with ASA and MUPI [more].

FDCL supports the Kolumbienkampagne Berlin:
The Kolumbienkampagne Berlin, exists since the end of 2000 and is an initiative of activists that do solidarity work in order to strengthen organizations of the social movement, that are subject to persecution. The Kolumbienkampagne Berlin promotes an exchange between politically active people in Germany and Colombia and the development of joint strategies [more].

Biomass and Agroenergy

Many hopes are linked to the generation of energy on the basis of renewable vegetable raw materials. - The trade in biomass, however, produces serious collateral damages in the countries of the South: The depredation of rain forests, violent displacements, the expansion of monocultures, the dependency of small farmers, the triumphal procession of genetic engineering, the use of food plants to create energy as well as the renewable monopolies of transnational corporations.

The Center for Investigation and Documentation Chile-Latin America (FDCL) therefore wants to contribute with this project to the current debate on the “global energy market”? from an internationalist perspective [more].

Feminicide and impunity in Latin America: The structure of violence against women. An event series of FDCL with movies, theater, lectures and discussions [more].

"Creeping Privatization": The "german model" for the water sector in Bolivia

With this project the FDCL wants to critically revise the role of Germany in the privatization of water supply and sewage disposal in developing countries. [more]

Free trade and industrial development

The FDCL investigates the effects and consequences of multilateral as well as bilateral liberalizations on industrial development of peripherical economies – considering the international production chains – hierarchically structured and dominated by transnational companies - that mark the current global distribution of labor. [more]

The "Koalition gegen Straflosigkeit - Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit für die deutschen Verschwundenen in Argentinien" was founded in March of 1998.

The Koalition gegen Straflosigkeit seeks to lead a trial in Germany against the responsibles for criminal acts like kidnapping, mayhem and the assassination of German nationals in Argentina during the years from1976 to 1983. [more]

A cooperation-project of the Heinrich Böll Foundation (Berlin and Rio de Janeiro), Justiça Global (Rio de Janeiro), KoBra (Freiburg) and the FDCL (Berlin).


A cooperation-project of the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation (Berlin, Rio de Janeiro, Mexico, Brussels, Warsaw), the Transnational Institute (Amsterdam), FASE (Rio de Janeiro), Justiça Global (Rio de Janeiro), REDES (Montevideo), FOCO (Buenos Aires), KoBra (Freiburg) and the FDCL (Berlin).

Foreign Direct Investment, Bilateral Investment Treaties and International Investment Disputes
A project about bilateral investment treaties and international investment disputes and FDI in Latinamerica [more].